Unable to fetch videos of facebook page using graph API

I have a Facebook page where i have 3 posts and those posts contains videos in it but when i try to access videos using graph api, No videos are getting returned.
here is the API I'm trying
API - https://graph-video.facebook.com/{ page_id }/videos?access_token={ access_token }
here are the permissions given to this access_token
Then i tried following approach whether videos are available or not just for R&D purpose and i am getting the videos detail
- Get all posts via access token
- From the posts response get page access token
- use the page access token use attachment api
- Here i am getting the video details
So, the query is why /videos api not giving me any result. Can anyone please help me out on this ?
This is how I'd request to get videos from facebook page, send out a GET request to /{page-id}/videos
using curl like below.
curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/videos?access_token={access-token}"