How to return NaN if all values are NaN using the agg() function specifying aggregation output columns

How to return NaN if all values are NaN using the agg() function specifying aggregation output columns


I have a dataframe like so:

data = {'Integers': [1, 2, np.nan, 4, 5],
        'AllNaN': [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

I want to return NaN when performing the sum aggregations on the datagrame. There are solutions on here that advises to use agg(pd.Series.sum, min_count=1). However the way I have my aggregations are using the alternate agg method like so:

agg_df=df.agg(SummedInt=('Integers','sum'), sumofallNaN=('AllNaN','sum')).reset_index()

How do I use the min_count=1 argument with this method?


IIUC, you can use a lambda function like this:

agg(SummedInt=('Integers',lambda x: x.sum(min_count=1)))


SummedInt      12.0
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